Monday, 20 October 2014

Conventions of genre

Initial idea 3

For my third initial idea I have decided to leave the interpretation of what happens to the girl up to the audience, weather she has died or they have broken up as the video just shows the girl leaving, then the boy looking all sad and alone with flashbacks to them being happy and planning a future together.

Initial idea 2

My initial idea for my music video is a narrative video.
 A drunken man who is upset about breaking up with his girlfriend. The video starts off in the old town in the morning when he is just starting to sober up and remember everything that has happened. He can't sleep because he's upset about losing his girl wandering around the marina.

Initial idea 1


My target audience will be from the E social grade as my target audience are mainly students ages 16-24 who are dependent on their parents or the state for their money (student finance). I chose this group of people to be my target audience as I have found from audience research that the majority of people who watch music video's are 16-24 years old and as I am making a music video I want it to be viewed by as many people as possible therefore I chose a target audience age range that will watch my video. I also found that people from this age range listen to more music in general such as when they are travelling to and from school/college/university, when they are studying and in their free time for enjoyment, therefore, are more likely to buy my album.


Psychographics is the study of personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles. Some categories of psychographic factors used in the marketing segment include:

  • Activities, interests and opinions (AIOs)
  • Attitudes
  • Values
  • Behaviour
My music video and ancillary texts are aimed at people with similar interests and  who generally live a similar lifestyle, therefore have similar psychographic factors such as activities like playing the guitar, values such as marrying the person you love (traditionalism).

Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
In his model, Maslow requires that we fulfil one stage before we can move on to the next.
My target audience would fit into the safety stage moving into the love/belonging stage as they go against social norms of listening to 'pop' music and wearing 'fashionable' clothes that mainstream people wear as my album fits into the alternative rock genre. My target audience find safety in the music from the album as a lot of people in my target audience feel like they do not belong in society as it stands today as they are ridiculed and seen as socially deviant for not fitting with the social norms of society. However my target audience are slowly moving into the love/belonging box as there is a lot of other people out there who think and feel similar to them and especially as my video is about the loss of someone, my audience may be able to relate the loss of love and intimacy.

Audience research

For my audience research I have placed a poll on my blog asking 4 simple questions to help me understand what age group watches music videos, where people watch music videos and what type of music videos people prefer.
From the poll, I found that people mainly watch music video's on YouTube or do not watch music video's but if they do they like to watch a music video with a narrative.

In addition to my poll on my blog, I created a survey on a website called survey monkey. This has allowed me to ask more complex questions such as asking why they answered the question with that answer or allowed the participant to put their own answer without having to pick one of mine.

I posted my survey link on my facebook page for my friends to complete. I have friends of all ages and from a range of countries who like all different types of music to be able to get a more of a range of answers.

In addition to posting the survey to my facebook page, I posted the link to my survey on 'the student room' forum where students and parents anywhere in the world can complete my survey. Again I did this to get a mixed range of people answering my questions rather than my friends who have similar tastes in music as me.

Friday, 17 October 2014